As another quarter passes by, another set of memories is made. Laughters and tears. Happiness and sadness. Victory and downfall. These has all been a part of this quarter and I can truly say, it really is another set of memories to be kept for life.

     I learned a lot from our subject- ICT. Lessons and stuff. There really are still a lot of things I don't really know about the web and gladly this subject is here to helo me out. Things were again discovered thru it. New ideas have been present. Learnings were evident. It really is a blessing to be a part of this section because even though my interest level with this subject isn't as high as the others, learning with them makes everything a bit easier. Also with the teacher that's handling the subject is good at explaining stuff to us.

     Learning is always constant and I am very blessed to get to learn new things with the section I belong with and treasure dearly- my maxwell.
