My Dream My Future

    "Mama, I wanna be a Doctor in the future." I remember how many times I have told this statement to my mama years ago. I thought I would really end up wanting to pursue being in the field of medicine. But maybe, change really is constant.

    Back when I was still on grade 1, our teacher asked us to draw how we see ourselves 20 years from then. I drew a woman wearing a long white coat with a stethoscope dangling around her neck. She then asked me why did i draw such a high person. I always would say its because I want to heal people with sickness. So pure and delinquent as a kid. But now, everything has changed. I came to realization that maybe being a doctor isn't just for me. I am not too much interested in science and i ain't excelling in mathematics also. Hard and tough now to think what could I be, what would I want me to be in the future. I started exploring things. I joined campus journalism. I started radio broadcasting back in 4th grade; tv broadcasting in 9th grade. And it suddenly hit me. Maybe what I wanna become is someone who can speak in front and try to educate people. Maybe it is where I am good at. Maybe it is where I'll see myself being happy and contented with. Education maybe is something for me. I was hesitant. My aunts who are teachers kept on discouraging me to not study education. Salary is low they say. And that's the time I had urged myself more to pursue being a public figure, being a hero, being a teacher.

    You know, it is not always about material things. Sometimes or perhaps all the time, it is about your happiness. In everything, contentment is the key. How small or big may it be, as long as you are delighted in what you do, its all that matters. Live with a life with radiance not with pressure. You own your dreams. Whatever it may be, pursue it. Its not your duty to live a life other people dreams of you to have. 


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