Collect and Reflect

Third quarter of the school year, second to the last quarter for our junior high school life. A few more months and everything we had with each other will only be remembered as memories. Sad truth is everything we have now will eventually fade.
     From the first qaurter up to now, my whole grade 10 life was one heck of a rollercoaster. Ups and downs, and even the loops were all so enjoyed. Though everything has been tiring, i cant deny the fact that i had a bliss. Many issues were encountered as well as laughters. All of it made me realize that this quarter that just ended is yet to be the start of the last quarter of this jhs life. Its saddening that all of whats made will only remain to be carven only in the depths of our minds. The sounds of laughters will soon only be echoes from the past. The smiles thats been shared will soon only be seen on photographs kept in the attic. Yes, soon, all of these will only be memories, part of the past and never be again experienced in the future. Once in a lifetime but a whole hearted experience i had that ill forever cherish.
     In the near future, i also want my future children to be this woke about how fast time flies. I would always tell them to cherish every second they have in their lives. Because  truth be told, we only live once, and if we die, we cant go back to the lands and do the things we should have done before.



  2. I love your choice of words. This article made me realize how fast time flies, and how important it is to make the most out of the time we have. Hoping to read more articles!


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