
     As a millenial, I've always been active on social media sites but its only this school year that I knew these sites are from simple inventions that developed through time. I've known the background of different things and such.

     I am not actually a fan of history. So, I was not really excited upon knowing we'll be discussing histories of these and those for the first quarter. But I don't know how I was quite hooked up with the lessons as time went by. I was also not that much of comfortable  when the seats were arranged alphabetically because I can't choose whom I'll sit with but I ended up developing bonds with my seatmates now.

     This is a short article but further more, I want to keep the memories I've made within the four corners of this computer room forever. Not only the lessons and the memories but also the teacher who have guided us for this subject will always and forever be cherished.


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