Lives over Rights

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   "Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives." --President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, Philippines, 2018.

   This is what caught my attention the most during the 2018 State of the Nation Address of President Duterte. There were plenty of issues discussed, but this one statement struck me hard. It is true that people go against the war on drugs of Duterte as what they seem to look at it having an issue involving extra-judicial killings. Somehow, it may be true. Since police officers receives a reward for every person they put to jail which is interconnected to the usage of prohibited drugs. But on the other hand, have we noticed how families of people that are killed, deny everything the police reports? Don't we notice how it is so alike with every other one's stories? It may sound ridiculous but don't you think 'some' of them are from possible that they also try to defend their wrong doings by the use of violence. Is it that inhumane to have one life wasted in exchange of the majority. Illegal drugs are one of the roots of the conduction of crimes. Will we just let them live and let them be the one to step on their victim's dignity? Some of those who were killed by the police officers were not completely innocent. I'm not on anyone's side but please let us not only base on what we see. If further investigations are needed, then let it be. The people who has capacity in doing so is in-charged in this case. Again, let me ask you. Will they still be considered to be subjected with their human rights if them themselves also cause destruction of those rights?

   There are always two sides of a story. If we focus too much on only one side of it, then we will not understand the other. If these human rights costs the destruction of many human lives, then their death is fairly reasonable for some reasons.



  1. Same thought for me. I think it really needs to stop. The killings, and injustice that is happening in our country.


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