Writing it down now. 7:30 pm. Wednesday. March 6, 2019. The last blog I'll ever post for my junior high school life. I wont go overboard. This is a reflection not a diary but here are my sentiments.

        I entered High School lacking self-confidence. I would always stay silent at the corners and observe every act my classmates would do. They used to tell me I'm rude for acting so mean towards people that's doing nothing to me. I would wanna laugh. They think I dont see what they all are doing? Maybe he or she haven't done anything wrong to me but he or she has done something to the people around me. Maybe it really is a bit off but that's just my nature. I didn't mind being called names though. I never really cared. I was just plain and boring. Until they came. People who brought shine to my life. Someone who knew ways to make me smile. Mija, Janice, Erian, Sophia and Michelle were the first people in my high school life who had the courage to try to straighten me up without even themselves knowing. Michelle was that first best friend I had in my secondary life. She was that someone who was always beside me when life was rude. She was more than a friend. She was a sister. Though in life, no insecurities can eat a person up. And maybe that's one factor that broke us apart in 8th grade.

        Grade 8 was the time of my downfall. The only people who used to make me smile were separated from me. The only person left with me to be in one section was Mija. She was that friend who was lowkey caring. I was still that mean cold girl every classmate of mine hated. But among them all, Arianne, Precious, Nean and of course Marinel came popping embracing my flaws. And there was a friendship that bloomed among us— bp squad.

        Grade 9 was the plot twist of my jhs life. I joined the CAT organisation becoming a trainee. I met various kinds of people which made me well, a bit cringe. Some are too "pabibo" some are too "pakitang-tao". It disgusted me enough but I continued anyways because it's what my parents want. But then as time passed by, I started letting people in. I slowly learned how to open my heart again. I slowly accepted almost everyone. Though I was still the "walang prenong bunganga" person they refer to, I had a bit of moderation. And it all went smooth. My BuBu fam lifted all the heaviness off. I became more confident with my smiles. I became more comfy laughing. As I started to accept people, I also started accepting my self.

        10th grade. The last. Its only now that when I look back at all of these, I regret. I wish I have started to open my eyes since 7th grade. I wish I did so I could've spent more time with them without all the judgements. But maybe its too late. Or maybe not. There's still less than a month to cherish every moment left. To savour every second passing by. They say High School life is the most wonderful part of life. I used to frown at the idea but I smile at it now. Yes it is. Indeed it is. Special mention to my happy pills, Mija and Michelle for making my everyday happy.
