Change: Starts with me

     "Change is the only constant thing in earth"

     A saying that goes well all around the corners. Yes, I must say I agree with that. The thing is that these changes that are being observed and made this generation is too far from what it supposed to be. Change should be for the better. But the change that is being portrayed right now is a drastic toxic change. We may be improving technologically but our morals and conduct are being degraded as time goes by. It may not be as evident as how i see it to be but the truth is everything in this generation is becoming well too unhealthy. The stability of food even is not in a good condition as how the surroundings' temperature constantly changes, affecting the growth performance of the crops. Why do we even experience climate change? It is all because we are careless. We keep on changing the earth. We keep on giving mother earth a haircut. Slowly its mountains being bald. Why are we experiencing drought? Climate change again. All because of how careless we are. We keep on burning garbage, eliminating waste but we dont know is that our ways are crooked. Instead of the world being cleaner, what we experience is the karma mother earth is throwing onto us for we keep on harassing her. These changes. All of these changes are negative. What should we do to start a change which is for the good side?

   We must start it with ourselves. By simply picking up the trash that's in front of you or throwing your waste on a bin, it's already a good one step towards a better future. Toward a brighter change. We must all start with ourselves. Because seriously, nothing big is not started with small ones. Change must and always will start with our own selves.
